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Broker agent 360 is our leads management system, it consists of a customized landing page which will be assigned to you. The address of the landing page is usually ''(Your-name).altonclarkhomes.com''. The Broker agent 360 system also allows you to maintain a blog. **[[http://leads.brokeragent360.com/index.php?action=Login&module=Users|Visit broker agent 360]]** {{ :pdown3gi_400x400.png?nolink&200|BrokerAgent 360 Logo}}


* [[:Alton Clark Info|Alton Clark Info]] * [[http://www.altonclarkrealty.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/ALTONCLARK_C21ac_Policy_2018__20180725T174747.pdf|Company Policies]] * [[:Back Agent Info|Back Agent Info]] * [[:Community Specific Info|Community Specific Info]] * [[:Forms and Documents|Forms and Documents]] * [[:FAQ's|FAQ's]] * [[:Support & Tutorials|Support & Tutorials]]

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